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February 26, 2007

Sealing the 'stich

Sealing the 'stich
Originally uploaded by Burnszilla.
That infamous photo of me and my wet crotch has brought me some good fortune. I sent the photo to Aerostich and Sherry replied, wondering what happened. I explained to her that I rode in the rain with my Roadcrafter suit and it leaked. She asked for permission to use the photo in their catalog and she sent me a tube of Seam Grip to waterproof the zipper seams on my suit. It took about fifteen minutes to syringe and brush the sealer all over my zippers. I was going to put the suit to the test today in the rain. My wife woke me at 6am and prodded me to car pool with her into the valley. She didn't want me to ride in the rain and she wanted to use my body as a ticket to get her into the fast moving car pool lane. Half asleep, I gave in. Feeling a little bit like Miss Daisy, I relaxed on the passenger side while Sharon drove. My crotch protected from the elements.

Posted by stephen at February 26, 2007 11:05 AM


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